American Idol 2012 Tour in the Philippines

We were on vacation in the US during the height of this year's American Idol season. During the finale, we were texting like crazy voting for Jessica Sanchez. Haha! It is only this year again, that I watched the whole season since the battle between the two Davids, (David Cook and David Archuleta) which was back in 2008.

In less than a month to go (September 21, 2012), the Idols are coming over here in the Philippines for their tour. I am sure a lot of AI fans are already excited! Yay! :-)

Photo from
Thanks to Ovation Productions, AI winner Phillip Phillips, fellow Filipina Jessica Sanchez, Joshua Ledet, Hollie Cavanagh, Skylar Laine, Elise Testone, Colton Dixon, DeAndre Brackensick, Heejun Han and Erika Van Pelt are performing live in the Smart Araneta Coliseum.

Ticket prices are the following:
  • VIP Seated - P11,090
  • Patron Seated - P10,560
  • Patron Standing - P9,770
  • Lower Box VIP - P7,920
  • Lower Box Regular - P5,810
  • Upper Box A - P3,700
  • Upper Box B - P2,115
  • General Admission - 845
You may visit for more details and to purchase tickets.

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