How To Purify Water

One of my worries during calamities like typhoons, is running out of potable water. A person cannot last a few days without water and that's why amidst possible water contamination caused by the Habagat flooding, we must ensure that our water supply is safe and free from contaminants.

I am quoting parts of the Department of Health's Advisory on Safe Drinking Water (issued on August 7, 2012) --- 

The following are guidelines in purifying water:

  • Water must be filtered first to trap and remove large impurities. Any clean cloth or coffee filter can be used as a sieve. 
  • If the water is cloudy, it can be made to stand for half a day, after which, clear water can be scooped and then filtered. 
  • Boiling water kills all potential germs you may get from contaminated water. Heat water and allow it to boil for two (2) minutes then let it cool. Boiled water that has cooled can be used immediately. Stirring it or putting it from one clean container to another container several times or adding a pinch of salt or powdered juice can improve taste. 
  • Water can be disinfected by adding 2 drops of 5% chlorine solution (unscented bleach) for every one (1) liter of unrefrigerated water. Allow it to stand for an hour. If a faint chlorine smell is detected after an hour, then it is safe to drink. Repeat the procedure if you cannot detect the smell after your first try. If it does not have the faint chlorine smell on the third try then the water must be discarded since it may contain many germs. To improve taste, allow it to air some more or transfer it from one clean container to another several times. 
  • Follow provided instructions if you opt to use commercial chlorine tablets for purifying water. Chlorine solutions are also available in most health centers or evacuation centers.

Another resource that's been circulating around social networking sites is the photo below. It is a quick guide that we can print out and post on our refrigerator door, thanks to the creator. :-)

Source name on photo
It is best to be safe than suffer the bad effects of drinking, cooking with or even brushing your teeth with contaminated water. 

Stay safe everyone!

The article you are reading now is from my blog, The (Mis)Adventures of Superboink and is purely authored by me. If you are reading this from another website or resource without my direct consent, the content must have been scraped. I would appreciate if you could let me know so that appropriate action could be taken.


Manaka Niita said…
There are steps here that you don't usually do and that is great to know. Water filter system at home is essential to every household that have a water source that have uncertainty of cleanliness. Prevention is better than cure, right.
Maan said…
I agree @Manaka Niita! I am quite hesitant to try putting chlorine bleach into the water, as I am used to just using that when doing the laundry.
But truly, it is great to know that I can do that. It'll come in handy when the need arises.
Thanks for dropping by! :-)
Water Distiller said…
Great job! and like above comments .Really we are ignore about this that's why we looses .So if do that get good result for our health .

Best wishes from New Jersey!
Owner of Water Distiller company.
Water pollution is more serious now. We must try to solve this, or we will drink polluted water.

By the way, thanks for sharing purifying water.

From owner of water distiller reviews


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