Dairy Queen (DQ)

Love. It takes almost nothing except each other's company to enjoy when my son W and I are together. A simple joke, (corny at that) can make us burp and fart really hard from laughing. Hahaha! 

Sometimes, no matter how tight my budget is, I still make it a point to treat W to something new and cool. A short trip to Dairy Queen proved to be a great bonding moment for us. He enjoys ice cream as much as I do - and I just wanted to prove to him that before Selecta came up with their extra creamy version, it is DQ who serves their ice cream upside-down. =)

view from where we were seated
sizes available
We got ourselves blizzards - he got the plain Oreo while I chose the Cheesecake with Oreo version. I just gotta show him how cool DQ blizzard is -- I kept turning the cup over and over! Haha! The ice cream is thick, creamy and not insanely sweet. It is not nakakasawa or nakakaumay.

He also got himself an extra Dilly Bar. Vanilla ice cream coated with chocolate is yum-o, so he says. =) I am a little worried I've allowed him a bit more than usual dose of sweets but gahd, you have to be there to see how wide-eyed he was while ordering at the counter. Priceless!

ice cream monster W =)
There's just a lot of flavors and treats to try in Dairy Queen. A few more visits won't hurt right? =)

Love.love.love. DQ!

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Visit Dairy Queen's Facebook page [LINK] and their official website [LINK].
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