Home from Stem Cell Transplant

*Impoorted from my Old Blog*

the catheters on my chest (got another one on the right for back-up)
my kuya's hand during the stem cell pheresis
the stem cells that is being infused to me after being harvested from my brother and me on transplant day
I am finally home from St. Luke's Medical Center last Thursday after my Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation - my second to the last hope in my battle with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (a miracle being the last hope). The procedure was done last March 3 - which we fondly called Day 0. My first day as a new person, given a new lease at life.

I've been in the hospital for almost a month. I was given a high-dose chemotherapy regimen to prepare me for the transplant. I owe my life to my stem cell donor, my eldest brother Fidel. Thank you for sharing your blood with me - I can now literally and figuratively say that the same blood are flowing through our veins.

Thank you -
To my parents, whose emotional and financial support seems to be inexhaustible.
To my brothers and sisters who took turns in watching over my every needs.
To my lola, for being a source of strength.
To Mike, whose unconditional love gave me the courage to lift up my head and say that I am beautiful despite my balding head and bloated face.
to my baby Andrei, for without him my life won't be worth fighting for.

My sincerest appreciation and thanks -
To my primary caregivers,
my doctor, Dra. Jane Baylon - the best Hematologist in the Philippines
her Hema team, Dra. Luz Del Rosario and Dra. Trixie Tiangco
the nurses at the BMT in-patient unit, the nurses at the BMT-RAI Center,
the resident doctors,
The rest of the Transplant team -
my Nephrologist, Dra. Girlie Chua-Garcia
my Pulmonologist, Dr. Windfield Tan
my Infectious Diseases specialist, Dr. Ben Felipe
my Cardiologist, Dr. Rogelio Tangco
my Urologist, Dr. Jack Reyes/Dr. Dante Dator
my Opthalmologist, Dr. Prospero Tuano
my Gastroenterologist, Dr. Edgardo Bondoc
and my Dermatologist, Dra. Vivian Tan
these doctors are all top doctors in their respective fields.
I could not thank you more.

To all the people who have been instrumental to my continued healing,
from the blood donors to the people who prayed for me, thank you!

I could not thank all of you enough. You've been there with me at my lowest point and never left me. I love you all.

OT: I am part of the SLMC's flyer on the Blood and Marrow Transplant Unit...haha!

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