Empire's Macarons [Mercato Centrale]

Becoming increasingly popular nowadays, this pastel-colored meringue-based confection is very pleasing to the eyes. I mean, other than our sense of smell, we use our sight first to determine if we want to eat something or not right?

green macarons anyone? it's pistachio flavored! my favorite in the lot.
Hence, I cannot blame people when they are enticed to try these airy and delicate treat of European origin. In between two shells made from egg whites, crushed almonds, sugar - a variety of fillings such as creamy ganache or fruit puree are usually placed - making a sandwich style sweet treat.

I've heard good things about Empire's Macarons and knew that I must give it a try when I come visit Mercato Centrale. I have tasted Bizu's version of this French cookie and loved them so I am really looking forward to know if Empire's will be at par.

Empire's macarons offers the usual flavors (white chocolate, cookies and cream, triple chocolate, hazelnut, strawberry and pistachio - and also have seasonal flavors) and got myself a sampler pack. I found the crusts smooth and firm on the outside but once I took a bite (they're small and somehow looked like it was meant to be munched in its entirety - but I just bit half-way), it crumbled. 

My crumbled piece then revealed an uneven layer of filling. The saving grace was that the filling has the right sweetness that never cloys. I proceeded munching everything in my container and completely forgot to note what flavor is it that's currently inside my mouth. Some were not crumbly like the others as I've observed. There's a seeming inconsistency but I ignored it because there's a surprising feeling of creamy (albeit crumbly, yes) indulgence in every bite.

I finished my sampler a bit confused. I enjoyed eating the macarons but there's a vague feeling of letdown at some point. Perhaps another purchase can clear things up - I'd buy the regular-sized ones and pray they won't crumble. *Watch out for an update on this.*

All in all I'd still say it is worth a try - as taste can be subjective and I must have been very critical of the shells. =D 

Empire Macarons are sold in Mercato Centrale on weekends.
Visit their Facebook site [LINK] and website [LINK] for more details.

Original (from P30/piece – P350/dozen)
Premium (from P35/piece; (P110/3 pcs) – P400/dozen)

They also offer Cheesecake Balls!
Original (from P30/piece – P270/box of 9 pcs)
Premium (from P35/piece; P315/box of 9 pcs)
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Jhari said…
It looks so delicious!!!
Thanks for visiting my blog sis (the3rdabode.com) - visiting you back.
Maan said…
Thanks for visiting back Jhari!

I love how these Macarons look very enticing! =)


Nuffnang Large Rectangle

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