Happy Sunday morning! As a lot of kids and parents are waiting for this, I am reposting the results of the Philippine Science High School National Competitive Examination done last September 2012. For the official list, you may want to verify from the Philippine Science High School website -- http://oed.pshs.edu.ph/nce2013/ I believe they will also publish the list in major broadsheets and will definitely send passers acceptance letters. For those who did not pass, they usually mail your ratings/scores to you. Congratulations to the future Science Scholars! Make the country and Pisay proud! :-) 2013 NCE Examination Result NAME CAMPUS AALA, MARIE ERICKA GRACE ONATE MC/SMC ABAD, KELLY ANDREI CANO CVC ABAIS, JOSHUA NATHANIEL MALDO EVC ABAN, KIANNA VIATRIZ ROBSTIN GUNDRAN CVC ABARA, LAURA YSABEL MASANGKAY MC ABARQUEZ, CHAMP KARL DELATOR CMC ABAYAO, CHLOE GAYLE ENKIWE CARC ABBAS, FAIZAH ABDULWAHAB CMC ABELLA, ROMULUS VIDAL THOMAS DAVID BRC ABELLA, SEAN DOMINIC TIRAMBULO C...
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