
The (Mis)Adventures of Superboink is an online personal diary cum recipe catalog of Maan (yep that's me!)
My driving force in writing and blogging is to be able to share what I know and how I feel. Living in a crazy world, I wanted to have a virtual personality where I can share my views while reflecting what other moms or just anybody might be thinking as well, and share how I get through and by it.
The recipes I use/used in this blog are ones I know by heart since I was a kid, watching my mom, dad and lola (my family as a whole) cook in the kitchen. When I run out of cooking inspiration, I browse through my collection of cookbooks and food magazines and even online food websites. When I do that and publish it in my blog, I mention where I got the recipe from.
My family and I love dining out. When we do, I take the chance to learn more about the restaurant (whether it is a 5-star or simply a turo-turo). There's not (yet) a single post about a restaurant/food chain/food here in my blog that was given to me for free (not even at a discount) in exchange for a good review. I eat where I want to and pay with my own money. (well, sometimes my dad or M does haha!)
I however, welcome the possibility of being contacted for reviews (food, drinks, gadgets...just about anything). When I do, I make sure I mention directly that it is indeed a paid or an ex-deal post. Despite being so, I firmly believe that no amount of money or favor can buy my credibility. I will write if a product or service is really bad and will give praises should I have been really pleased and satisfied.
The blog features advertising slots for Nuffnang and Google Adsense. I have no direct control over the ads they show but rest assured that should I find anything that is offensive, I would contact them to raise my concern. Ad placements are one of my ways to make some money online
I am also sharing here in my blog about my medical condition (past and ongoing) to reach out to people who are experiencing the same ones I have. Though there are support groups available somewhere somehow, this my way of sharing as I know somebody out there needs it. I am not a medical practitioner (but I know a lot having been through a lot) so it is still best to consult your doctor instead of relying on treatments or medications I may (have) mention(ed) in this blog.
All views and opinions expressed in this blog is purely the blog author's own. While there are a lot of external influences (religion, political views, gender, age, race, etc.) that may affect my concept of the things I write about, rest assured that I always give my honest opinions, beliefs and experiences. Any claim, statistic, quote or other representations about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
I am a mother and my son's role model. Trust, honor and respect are the virtues I keep as I mold my son to be a responsible and God-fearing citizen of this world.

Should you wish to reach me regarding anything, please email me at: superboinkblogs@gmail.com.


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