UPIS Kindergarten Admission Test Results AY 2015-2016
Congratulations to the admitted students! According to the UPIS website, deadline for filing of intention to enroll is on May 8, 2015. Kindly check http://www.upis.upd.edu.ph/ for more details.


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or view this OLX post: https://www.olx.ph/item/parents-guide-to-upkat-ID7PkmH.html
*Parent's Guide to UPKAT
*Best way to prepare your child to enter kindergarten program in UP
*Very authoritative
*With sample practice tests (almost same styles of question expected on the actual exam)
*With Tips, Techniques and guide to prepare your child
*It includes Videos for some motor skill and social skill test
*Text or call us at 0916-305-6926 or visit www.upkat.webs.com to reserve
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