Strawberry-Filled Mochi Balls

I am still not over my Mochi cravings! Ice cream filled mochi's calling me even while sleeping. So while I am still unable to have a taste of Mochiko (a brand of ice cream filled mochi) I am just making myself something with mochi.

I read in Yummy Magazine of a choco-berry filled mochi balls before but I can't seem to find the recipe now so I just recalled to mind what was in that recipe. Here goes:
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Strawberry-Filled Mochi Balls

teaspoonfuls of strawberry jam (I have a jar in my fridge yay!)
For the mochi:
2/3cup water
1/4cup sugar
1cup glutinous rice flour

a drop (or two) of food colorflour for dusting

How I did it:
I rolled six teaspoonful strawberry jam into six balls. I placed it on a sealed container and put it in the freezer while making the mochi.
To make the mochi, I combiner the water, sugar, food color and glutinous rice flour in a bowl and cooked it in the microwave oven for 2 minutes. I mixed every 30 seconds or so. I used red food color and so I can easily spot if the mixture is well-combined already.
I laid the mochi dough into a flat surface, rolled it and divided it into six parts. I then took out the strawberry balls from the freezer then filled each mochi dough with it.
I then rolled, wrapped the strawberry ball then sealed the edges, forming a ball. I returned the balls in the freezer and let it set.

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It tastes good especially when chilled. Yum-O!

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